The AGLSP National Honor Society of Graduate Liberal Studies

Symbol:  Owl in an olive tree.  Symbol associated with Athena, goddess of wisdom in Greek mythology

Motto:  Artes liberale regnat The liberal arts reign

Goals: To recognize the scholarly achievement of graduate students and scholars in liberal studies programs across the United States and Canada

To serve as a vehicle for the promotion of liberal studies programming on campuses

To provide a network of graduate students and scholars in liberal studies nation-wide

Procedure for forming a chapter:

To form a chapter, an institution must:

  • be a member of the AGLSP

  • offer a master’s and/or doctorate of liberal studies degree

  • hold regional accreditation

The institution must complete the chapter application (see below).

Online Institutional Chapter Application

Chapters will have the following responsibilities as part of the AGLSP Honor Society:

  • In the semester prior to graduation, the chapter’s GLS office will create a list of all students who have achieved a 3.75 GPA.

  • The chapter institution will send the names of high achieving students to institutional faculty who vote on whether or not the student warrants recognition for academic integrity and leadership. Membership in this honor society is a privilege rather than a right. The local chapter has the right to add and define additional criteria for membership as it sees fit.

  • Once the faculty votes are tallied, the Dean/Director provides the AGLSP with the names and email addresses of their nominees. The AGLSP home office will send the students an email informing them of their nomination, along with information about how to join the AGLSP Honor Society.

  • Only those nominees who complete the application and pay membership dues are inducted into the AGLSP Honor Society by their local chapter with their host institution.

Deadlines –

For Spring graduation, all nominees must be reported by the degree-granting institution by April 15 or sooner (depending on your scheduled graduation date)

For Summer graduation, all nominees must be reported by the degree-granting institution by July 15.

For December graduation, all nominees must be reported by the degree-granting institution by November 15.


The AGLSP Honor Society is open to liberal studies students who have met the criteria set by the member institution and the AGLSP Honor Society. The member institution must have an AGLSP approved chapter. The criteria is as stated: Students who have earned a minimum of 3.75 cumulative GPA on a 4.0 scale, have at least 24 credits toward their master’s, doctoral degree or 16 credits toward a certificate of advanced graduate study. They will have demonstrated leadership in the classroom and in the greater community, and have been selected, approved and invited to join the Honor Society by their enrolling institution.


  • Discounted registration fee at annual AGLSP Conference as long as inductee remains a member in good standing.

  • Access to Confluence, the Journal for the Association of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs. Members are eligible to submit work for publication

  • Wear gold cords at graduation (ordered/supplied by the charter institution administration).

  • Honors indication on commencement program and degree transcript if the degree-granting institution bestows this recognition.
    NOTE: Chapter Institutions must confer with their own Registrar’s office to confirm that this is possible.


As an Honor Society member, inductees may opt for a lifetime membership for $75 or a one-year membership for $45. The fee pays for a certificate, one year of national membership, and a subscription to Confluence, the AGLSP online journal. The annual membership renewal fee is $25 and is required to be an active member and receive full benefits of membership.  New members will be listed on the AGLSP website the year they are initially inducted.

There are no institutional fees associated with membership as a chapter institution. However, the chapter institution is responsible for ordering gold honors cords through their local regalia company.

AGLSP National Honor Society Chapters

Arizona State University
East Tennessee State University
Harvard University Extension School
Indiana University South Bend
Indiana University Southeast
Johns Hopkins University
North Carolina State University
Rice University
Rutgers University - Camden
San Diego State University
Southern Methodist University
University of Delaware
University of Memphis
University of North Carolina - Charlotte
University of Pennsylvania
University of Toledo
Villanova University
Wake Forest University
Wesleyan University
Western New Mexico University

2025 AGLSP National Honor Society Inductees

Nayeli Nova Fernandez, San Diego State University